At Discover the Music Ltd, safeguarding children is our number one priority.


Please use the form above to report a safeguarding concern - do not delay.

If you do not hear back from us within 60 minutes (for example if our DSL team are already dealing with another concern) you should;

  • Call the police 999 if you, your family, or a child are in immediate danger of harm;

  • Ask to speak with the Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer (DSL) at your child’s school;

  • Contact the local authority Children’s Resource Service (below) to report a concern or seek advice.


Southampton - 02380 83 3004 | 02380 23 3344 (out of hours) || click here for website

Hampshire - 0300 555 1384 | 0300 555 1373 (out of hours) || click here for website

Click Here to find your local Children’s Resource Service

Please contact us should you wish to see a copy of our detailed policies.


Our team and volunteers are highly trained and take part in annual safeguarding training provided by local authority approved agents including Southampton City Council and the NSPCC. We adopt a strictly thorough recruitment and vetting process before any new recruit can begin work. Up to date records are provided to all of our schools. Our team are experienced in reporting concerns and our DSL’s relationship with schools enables us to ensure maximum possible care for all of our young people. We have taken children abroad on concert trips far and wide, we have supervised trips and performances and treat the safeguarding of every child as our highest priority.


All team members and volunteers are required to adhere to all key documents which include our Code of Conduct, Safeguarding Policy, Company Policies, School Policies and Government Guidance Documents including ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education'. Proof of our training records are provided to schools and clearly detailed within our Service Level Agreements. Only once approved by school headteachers can new members of our team begin working in their schools. Regular protocol reminders and training opportunities are completed year round.


Anyone who applies to work or volunteer with Discover the Music Ltd are subject to an enhanced DBS certificate check, identity check, background checks, references from the most recent employers and scrutiny of gaps or discrepancies in previous employment records, suitability to work with children checks, disqualification by association checks and other key checks taken by our team. All of our checks must be completed and approved by our leadership team before the applicant receives an employment contract and are approved to work in our schools.