We are really fortunate to work with a wonderful group of ensembles each week. Scroll below to read about each group. To register a trial session, simply complete the form at the bottom of this page.


Junior String Orchestra

Fiddlesticks are an energetic bunch, full of personality and fun. Rehearsing every Saturday for 1 hour, the group is perfect for musicians learning to play the violin, viola, cello and double bass who are working their way up from an earlier ability of learning. The group is directed by an expert who tailors each arrangement to challenge the group further every week.

Rehearsals are from 9.15-10.15am on Saturday mornings in Southampton.

Hear Our Voice

Vocal Group

Hear Our Voice are our fantastic youth choir. Rehearsing for 2 hours every week, HOV perform in 3 and 4 part harmony a huge range of songs from an eclectic collection of musical styles. The group are great fun and create a strong sound. We are always looking for more young people who love to sing to join us each week. Hear Our Voice often perform and have performed twice on the National UK Tour for BGT winners COLLABRO.

Rehearsals are from 6.00-8.00pm on Monday evenings in Southampton.

No Fret

Guitar Ensemble

There is nothing more chilled than the sound a group of enthusiastic guitarists can make when making music together. No Fret bring together an aspiring group of young learners who play the guitar (acoustic and electric), ukulele and bass guitar and they are a great fun group to be part of. The group learn specially created arrangements of pieces of music from a wide range of musical styles.

Rehearsals are from 9.00-10.00am on Saturday mornings in Southampton.

Youth Jazz

Youth Jazz Orchestra

Our Youth Jazz Orchestra are a really fun way to start the weekend. We currently have 14 musicians who come together each week to learn a wide variety of music from Jazz Standards, Big Band, Latin, and more. We are always looking for new musicians to join us from approximately Grade 1 all the way through to Grade 8. If you play the trumpet, trombone and saxophone (all kinds), we’d love you to come and try us out!

Rehearsals are from 9.00-10.15am on Saturday mornings in Southampton.

Young Players

Youth Orchestra

Our Young Players Orchestra is a force of over 50 musicians from a range of abilities from early level learning up to Grade 8. We take pride that our orchestra enables musicians who haven’t been learning for so long to sit alongside more experienced peers to be inspired and get the buzz from playing in a really special group. Rehearsals are a highlight of the week for our team and these musicians really are a family. We are always looking for new musicians to join our strings, woodwind, brass, and percussion sections. We rehearse and perform a large array of musical styles supporting our musicians to adopt a broad wealth of skills and disciplines.

Rehearsals are from 10.15am-12.15pm on Saturday mornings in Southampton.

General Information

All of our ensembles are directed and staffed by a highly trained team of our employees, all trained in Safeguarding and many trained in First Aid.

A termly donation is payable for each group however a free trial session is offered.

Due to our strict Safeguarding procedures, parents / carers are not permitted to wait on site during rehearsals and may only drop off and pick up.

All of our ensembles perform at least 3 times per year and are required to order a t-shirt for the group(s) they are in to form part of our smart uniform.